Tuesday, January 22, 2013

On January 19th members of Caribou Masonic Lodge were surrounded by their family and friends to celebrate a good year gone by and the installation of the 2013 Lodge officers.
2013 Officers from left to right: (front) Graham Warne, Ronald Thibodeau, Louis Greenier, Ralph Conroy, John Irovando (Back Row) Joe Cheney, Paul Harmon, David Spooner, Troy Gagnon, Duane Walton, Murray Walker Jr. Not pictured are Louis Leavitt and Whitney Smith
At 7:00 pm following a benediction given by RW Neal Haines and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the outgoing Master David Spooner welcomed everyone and had a few opening remarks. The lodge observed a moment of silence while a candle was lit and the tolling of the bell as the names were read for the three members who had passed in the last year. The 2012 officers were then retired and the floor was given to the District #1 Installation Team, lead by the District Deputy Grand Master Robert Hancock. The evening’s ceremony was concluded with a few presentations, comments and the New Master leading his new officers in the closing of the Lodge. Following installation, all gathered in the lodge’s dining room for food and refreshment.
Installing Team from left to right: (front) RW David King, RW Robert Hancock, RW John Irovando all of Limestone, and VW Steve Sherman of Oxbo. (Back Row) Wor. Marshall White of Ashland, and VWClifford Boaz of Limestone. Not pictured is RW Neal Haines of Caribou.