Monday, March 14, 2011

Am I the problem, or part of the solution ?

I found this article online from the Grand Lodge of Arizona and thought I would share because it is worth thinking about.

From MWGM Lewis R. Brent, GL Arizona

Too much blood, sweat, and tears has been shed by generations of Brothers, Sons, Fathers, and friends to let our fraternity slide into infamy. The change begins with leadership and commitment at all levels (Grand Lodge to Subordinate Lodge, Officers to members of the craft).

To our Worshipful Masters and Wardens I say confidence and concerted efforts are the core elements of leadership that must be exercised, or we wind up with complacency and corruption. By corruption I do not mean illegality as much as the corruption of the ideals inculcated in our Masonic Principles, Tenets, Customs, and Lectures. What is happening in our lodges is that there are not enough Masonic teachings, community relations, or brotherhood being practiced. We are constantly begging members to assume leadership roles, support fund raising activities, and/or participate in approved projects. This should not be!

The Laws and Customs of Masonry gives Worshipful Masters and Lodge officers awesome powers and prerogatives over the membership, however it is not a dictatorship. The brethren maintain control by using their voice through the Ballot Box to put in office those they perceive as capable to lead; but more importantly they select/elect brethren they are willing to follow. It does no one any good to put individuals in office we will not support. This system of “checks and balances” has worked from time immemorial, and will work now if properly applied.

We must aspire to inspire those in our ranks to give an honest effort towards sustaining our organization, or we will expire as a fraternity, losing a very important element of our society that has had a definite impact on the fabric of ours and the community’s lifestyles…

I will close with the following reminder!
1. Always have something else to do when Lodge meeting time comes
2. If you attend a meeting, be sure to find fault with officers and fellow members
3. Refuse to hold office, as it is easier to criticize than to be criticized
4. Get sore if you are not put in charge or on a committee
5. If put on a committee, don’t do the job
6. If the Worshipful Master ask for opinions, keep silent but later tell others what should have been done
7. When a few brothers roll up their sleeves to help things work smoothly, disparage it be calling it a CLIQUE running the Lodge.
8. Stick to telling what you have done in the past for the Lodge, and never look to the future
9. Delay paying dues and assessments as long as possible, or don’t pay dues or support Lodge activities at all
10. Never bother about getting new members, let others do it

If you see any of these in yourself remember, let PRUDENCE direct you, TEMPERANCE chasten you, FORTITUDE support you, and JUSTICE be the guide in all your actions.

Are you the problem, or part of the solution???????

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