Monday, October 17, 2011

Members recognized for Decades of Service

Caribou lodge has been fortunate of late to be able to recognize members of the lodge for their years of service.  At our October Stated meeting we once again were able to show appreciation to three of our outstanding members.  

Wor. Wendell Spooner and Wor. James Bell

Celebrating Forty years of membership in Caribou lodge Wor. James Bell was recognized by Wor. Wendell Spooner who also presented him with his 40 year pin.  Spooner the top signer on Bells application and the Master who raised him, went on to share the stories of Jim as he first joined the Brotherhood.  Then Jim spoke about the Masons and his efforts with the Boy Scouts of America.  Jim believes that the two organizations share many of the same values and that Masonry should look to become more aware of Boy Scouts as a possible feeder organization.
The floor was then turned over to the Most Worshipful Grand Master Louis Greenier who presented Dale Dee and Gary Richards with their Fifty year Veterans Medals. 
DDGM Haines, Dale Dee, Gary Richards, and MW Greenier

Both men were very pleased to receive their medals and gave brief comments to the lodge about their experiences in Masonry and Caribou lodge.  Photos were taken Br. Ivan Shaw and the lodge returned to its routine business. 

Festive events like this are great to celebrate but they also get me thinking.  In each case, these three men care enough about the Fraternity to maintain their membership but have become less active than they once were.  Caribou lodge currently has 111 members, and this theme is a fairly common occurrence.  Now I expect that this is being experienced amongst many lodges but how do we fix it?  I understand that members become less active for a number of very good reasons, but it would be good to understand if their is anything the lodge could do to entice them to return to a more active role.  If you have any suggestions please let me know with an email at .  In the mean time I want to thank all of the members of Caribou lodge for your years of effort and hope that we can see you soon at one of our stated meetings.

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